Its is my
great pleasure to welcome you all to the World Stamp Championship Exhibition
INDONESIA 2012. We already held several International Philatelic Exhibition
previously in 1993, 1995, 1996 and 2008, we hope we will repeat the success this
year in World Stamp Championship INDONESIA 2012 and we will make it the biggest
exhibition in Indonesia philatelic history.
2012 follows an honourable Asian tradition of recent years in holding memorable
major world class philatelic event. This exhibition has been over three years
in preparation. Today we present over 2,500 competitive frames plus a
Literature class with 80 entries. With the number of applications from
collectors exceeding the number of frames available to the Organizing
Committee, it is regrettable that a number of entries had tobe declined.
Exhibition includes the World Stamp Championship Class. In this class alone
there are eleven entries of 88 frames. The classes of Postal Stationary (26
exhibitors), Aerophilately (25 exhibitors), and Revenues (15 exhibitors) have
been exceptionally well patronized.
Committee also had invited 14 rare collections of international-known
philatelists. They are rarely seen and real rarities in the stamp world.
By hosting
the exhibition, we will be able to exchange experiences, study and learn
together with philatelists all over the world and to increase the friendship among
one another. On behalf of Indonesian Philatelists Association, I cordially
thanks Mr Tay Peng Hian, President of FIP, Mr Surajit Gongvatana, President of
FIAP and all the distinguished guests from various countries for their
directions. I also thank the kind assistance and hardship dedicated from
various national commissioners, Jury members and the members of the Organizing
Welocme to
all of you to visit Jakarta Convention Center to enjoy the wealthy philatelic
gala at INDONESIA 2012.
R. Soeyono
President of
Indonesian Philatelists Association.