Senin, 25 Juni 2012

Liut. Gen (Rtd) R. Soeyono's Message

Its is my great pleasure to welcome you all to the World Stamp Championship Exhibition INDONESIA 2012. We already held several International Philatelic Exhibition previously in 1993, 1995, 1996 and 2008, we hope we will repeat the success this year in World Stamp Championship INDONESIA 2012 and we will make it the biggest exhibition in Indonesia philatelic history.
INDONESIA 2012 follows an honourable Asian tradition of recent years in holding memorable major world class philatelic event. This exhibition has been over three years in preparation. Today we present over 2,500 competitive frames plus a Literature class with 80 entries. With the number of applications from collectors exceeding the number of frames available to the Organizing Committee, it is regrettable that a number of entries had tobe declined.
The Exhibition includes the World Stamp Championship Class. In this class alone there are eleven entries of 88 frames. The classes of Postal Stationary (26 exhibitors), Aerophilately (25 exhibitors), and Revenues (15 exhibitors) have been exceptionally well patronized.
Organizing Committee also had invited 14 rare collections of international-known philatelists. They are rarely seen and real rarities in the stamp world.
By hosting the exhibition, we will be able to exchange experiences, study and learn together with philatelists all over the world and to increase the friendship among one another. On behalf of Indonesian Philatelists Association, I cordially thanks Mr Tay Peng Hian, President of FIP, Mr Surajit Gongvatana, President of FIAP and all the distinguished guests from various countries for their directions. I also thank the kind assistance and hardship dedicated from various national commissioners, Jury members and the members of the Organizing Committee.
Welocme to all of you to visit Jakarta Convention Center to enjoy the wealthy philatelic gala at  INDONESIA 2012.

R. Soeyono
President of Indonesian Philatelists Association.

Bernard Beston's Message

Welcome to Jakarta, the bustling Capital of Indonesia. Jakarta was at firs a small harbor called Sunda Kelapa, an internasional trading centre, governed by tha Pajajaran Dynasty. Today, over nine million people call this beautiful City Jakarta, home.
Welcome to the  firs World Stamp Championship Exhibition, INDONESIA 2012.
As the FIP Consultant I have seen the steady preparation for this Stamp Exhibition taking shape over the past two years.
This is the only Philatelic Exhibition for the year 2012 which enjoys the full patronage of the Federation Internationale de Philatelie (FIP).
FIP Director and PT Pos Indonesia President Director.
Jakarta and its people, will open their hearts to you so that I am sure  you will have memorable stay in their midst. Here you wil find a warm and friendly people, always willing to assist in mater both big and small.
Please enjoy all that there is to offer at this World Exhibition with over 2,500 of the world finest stamp exhibits.
No mater where you hail, from I am convinced that you will find INDONESIA 2012 a memorable occasion.
Not only are the stamp exhibits a pleasure in themselves, but the many Dealer and Postal Issuing Authorities will be selling stamp products for your collections, souvenirs  and  memento.
I wish all Exhibitors and stand holders every success at World Stamp Championship INDONESIA 2012.

Bernie Beston, FAP, FRPSL.
FIP Director.
Consultant to WSC Exhibition INDONESIA 2012.

Tay Peng Hian AMN RDP's Message

Tay Peng Hian and  Beston leading a dancing

The FIP World Stamp Championship Exhibition is at last on the doorstep, in Jakarta. One of the unique qualities of the World Stamp Championship is its inclusive nature with regards to past Grand Prix winners and large gold medalists as they are allowed to joint in the competition. This is a great feature as it can maintain a collector’s interest to maintain and improve on his collection in order to exhibit his collection again in another arena.

We had the first FIP World Stamp Championship in Singapore in 2004. The second Championship wes held in Tl Aviv in 2008. INDONESIA 2012 will continue this tradition with the 3rd World Stamp Championship in Jakarta from 18 to 24 June 2012.
Every World Stamp Championship has been a delightful event for philatelists to enjoy collection of high standard.
The winners of the World Stamp Championship so far are as below. We are eager to find out who will be the winners this time.
SINGAPORE 2004                                                             Title of Exhibit
Mr Surajit Gongvatana (Thailand)
Siam Classic

1st runner up
Mr Saverio Imperator (Italy)

2nd runner up
Mr Koichi Sato RDP (Japan)

ISRAEL 2008                                                                            Title of Exhibit
Mr Luis Alemany (Spain)
Brazil”Bull’s Eyes”
1st runner up
Mr Saverio Imperator (Italy)
2nd runner up
Mr Joseph Hackmey RDP (Great Britain)

I look forward to meeting all of you in Jakarta.

Tay Peng Hian AMN RDP
President Federation Internationale de Philatelie (FIP).

I Ketut Mardjana's Message

Stamps, the small form of art paintings in the world, contains within its framework the great minds of all times, historical events as well culture. Even through this digitalized information age of 21 st century, stamp is still the treasure trove of common knowledge and practical wisdom.
World Stamp Championshi INDONESIA 2012 will be a great opportunity to see the stamp exhibits and appreciated the beauty of the traditions of the participating countries and Indonesia. Pos Indonesia had set an area called ids Corner” for promotion of stamps to new generation and also will arrange many daily programmes for visitors. We sincerely hope that this exhibition will  enhance the public interest in and awareness of stamps and further encourage the cooperation in the World via philatelic activities.

We  are happy to invite all of you to this exciting venue of festivity. Please enjoy the rare and exquisite stamps presented by the participants. They are rarely seen and real rarities in the stamp world.

Lastly, we are aproud to have the patronage of the Federation Internationale de Philatelie for this event and  the Auspices of the Federation of Inter-Asean Philately. I also take this opportunity to thank the Indonesian Philatelists Association for their support and co-operation for this event. I convey the best wishes for the success of this grand exhibition.
I Ketut Mardjana

President Director of PT Pos Indonesia.

Syukri Batubara,s Message

It is a great pleasure to welcome you to the World Stamp Championship INDONESIA 2012. The INDONESIA 2012 is expected to become an event where philatelists, stamp dealers and people to exchange and share experience, study and learn from each other about philately and stamps.

This World Stamp Championship will display excellent stamp collections from some sixty member countries of the Federation Internationale de Philatelie (FIP). This  large number of participants will certainly provide us with richness of thematic stamps and collections  from excellent collector worldwide. While in non competitive class, this championship will display rare stamp collections which are rarely seen before.
I would like to express my sincerest gratitude and appreciation to all enthusiastic exhibitors, commissioners, postal administrations, stamp dealers and organizers for their hard work and invaluable efforts for the success of the World Stamp Championship INDONESIA 2012.

Special Prize exchange.
I wish you a great success and welcome to Indonesia.

Drs. Syukri Batubara MH.
Director General of Post and Information Technology.


The year 2012 is a great year for Indonesia because we are going to host World Stamp Championship INDONESIA 2012, which is  a World Stamp Championship under the patronage of the Federation Internationale de Philatelie (FIP) and the auspices of the Federation of Inter-Asean Philately (FIAP).

The championship is initiated with the idea to foster friendship, peace and introduce Indonesian culture and natural beauty.

We realized that philately teaches us persistency, honesty and patience. These values are significant factors for building national characters especially for young people who become our puture hopes.

INDONESIA 2012 is expected to become an event where philatelists, stamp dealers and people to exchange and share experience, study and learn from each other about philately and stamps.

We cordially welcome all participants, exhibitors, stamp dealers to Indonesia and hope to enjoy Jakarta during the World Stamp Championship INDONESIA 2012.
I wish a great success for the World Stamp Championship INDONESIA 2012.

Tifatul Sembiring
Minister of Communication and Information Technology.


Saman Dance from  Chester Elementary

Tourism Day” menjadi tema di hari keempat
mengadakan City Tour ke Kota Tua, Jakarta.
Dimana tur ini bertujuan untuk mengenalkan
kota-kota tua bersejarah yang ada di Jakarta
World Stamp Championship and Exhibition
2012. Tema hari ini berkaitan dengan agenda
yang panitia berikan kepada para peserta World
Stamp Championship 2012. Pihak penyelenggara
kepada para tamu dari mancanegara.

Masih di World Stamp Championship and
Exhibition 2012. Di hari keempat, agenda yang
diadakan di Kidz Corner semakin seru. Kali ini,
Kidz Corner mengadakan “Lomba Membuat
Postcard dan Lomba Mewarnai”. Pesertanya
sendiri dari adik-adik sekolah negeri maupun
swasta yang berada di Jakarta dan sekitarnya.
Seperti PAUD Aisyiyah, SD Islam plus Baitul Maal,
SDN 6 Kota Serang, SD Ciputat, Pesanggrahan,
dan teman-teman pengunjung yang datang ke
WSC 2012 ini. Peserta lomba diberi waktu 1 jam
untuk mewarnai gambar yang diberikan. Hadiah
yang diberikan diantaranya goodie bags berisi
Buku, Kipas, dan Pulpen. Untuk beberapa peserta
yang beruntung bisa mendapatkan Buku Filateli.

Selain lomba tersebut, terdapat juga
lomba menempel prangko di peta. Anak-anak
diberikan prangko berlabel suatu negara, untuk
ditempelkan di peta dunia yang disediakan.
Untuk meramaikan suasana, digelar juga
penampilan paduan suara dari SD Al-Azhar
Cibubur, marawis oleh SDN 2 Ciputat, dan tari


Ingin membuat prangko dari kreasi
kamu sendiri? Ayo datang ke booth PRISMA di
KIDZ Corner. Kamu bisa berfoto langsung di
booth yang telah disediakan, atau membawa foto
World Stamp Championship 2012
maupun gambar yang kamu inginkan.
Dengan biaya Rp. 20.000,- kalian akan
mendapatkan 8 buah perangko bernominal Rp.
1.500,-. Prangko tersebut bisa kamu gunakan
layaknya perangko biasa untuk berkirim surat.

Perangko Prisma adalah perangko yang
dapat menampilkan foto atau identitas lainnya
(logo, produk, lambang perusahaan, tulisan/
slogan bahkan tanda tangan atau apapun) yang
dikehendaki oleh pemesan, yang dicetak di atas
security paper seperti halnya kertas berharga.
So, tunggu apalagi, saatnya untuk pamer
wajah kamu di surat yang kamu kirim!


Bagi para pecinta filateli, booth Pos
Indonesia hari ini meluncurkan pertama
kalinya perangko dengan berbahan dasar batik
dan wayang. Kedua perangko ini dibuat atas
kerjasama Castor di Perancis, Peruri dan PT.
Pos Indonesia. Ide kreatif ini bertujuan untuk
menambah kekayaan koleksi perangko langka
bagi para pecinta perangko.
Perangko batik yang diluncurkan adalah
batik Garutan. Terdiri dari 1 buah perangko
dengan nominal Rp. 20.000,- bermotif batik
Rereng Siki Banteng. Serta 6 buah perangko
nominal Rp. 5.000,- dengan motif batik Kerikil,
Cupat Manggu, Rereng Doktor, Sada Mukti, dan
Sapu Jagat.

Untuk Perangko berkarakter wayang,
perangko ini berbahan dasar kulit gunungan,
dengan gambar karakter Bima, Arjuna,
Yudhistira, Nakula, Sadewa, dan Pandawa Lima.

Menurut penanggung jawab booth Pos
Indonesia, kedua perangko berbahan dasar batik
dan wayang ini, merupakan inovasi dari PT. Pos
Indonesia dan diharapkan menjadi langkah awal
kreasi perangko unik lainnya.

Tourism Day”, is the theme on the day of the fourth
World Stamp Championship and Exhibition 2012.
The theme of today is related to the commiittee
agenda for the participants of the World Stamp
Championship 2012. The committee held a City
Tour to the Old City (Kota Tua), Jakarta. The aim
of the tour is to introduce the historic places
specially the Old City in Jakarta to the visitors
(commisioners, Jury, Exhibitors and booth
holders) from foreign countries and local also.


Still at the World Stamp Championship
2012. On the fourth day, the agenda at the Kidz
Corner were getting more exciting. In this day,
they are several games which held by Kidz
Corner. They were, “Creating Postcard Contest”
and “Coloring Contest”. The participants itself
consisted of the students from the public or
private elementary schools in Jakarta and
surrounding areas. Such as, Aisyiyah
Kindergarten, Islamic Baitul Maal Elementary,
Marawis from SDN 2 Ciputat
Chester Elementary, and Six Elementary School
in the West Java, Serang. In addition, there were
also friends and visitors who came to the World
Stamp Championship 2012.

In the other side, there were “Sticking a
Stamp Contest on the Map”. The children were
given a labelled stamp by the committee, and
they have to placed the stamp on the provided
world map. For cheering up the atmosphere,
there were performance from Al-Azhar
choir,Cibubur, Marawis from SDN 2 Ciputat and
also Saman Dance from Chester Elementary

The committee of the Kidz Corner also
prepared for the prizes for the winner of the
games or the contest. The prizes were awarded
including goodie bag with book, fan and pen. For
some lucky participants can get a Philately Book.


If you want to make your own stamp, you
can come to the Prisma Booth at the Kidz Corner.
You can take pictures directly to the booth which
has been provided, or bring a picture that you
want it to be as a stamp. It is costed Rp 20.000,-
you will get 8 stamps (1 sheet). And you can also
sending a letter by this stamp.

Prisma Stamps is a postage stamp that
can display photos or other identity according to
the buyer wants.

So, what are you waiting for ? It is time to
show your face on the letter that you will sent.


For the lovers of philately, on this day
booth Pos Indonesia for the first time was
launched stamps which made from batik and
wayang material itself. Both stamps were made
in collaboration Castor in France, Peruri and Pos
Indonesia Company. The aim of this creative idea
is to increasing the variety of the rare stamp

The launched of batik stamp was batik
Garutan and the name of the pattern was called
Buffalo Rereng Siki. It consisted of 1 piece each
stamp with nominal Rp 20.000,-. And also there
are 6 stamps which different pattern. They
were called Batik Kerikil pattern, Cupat Manggu,
Rereng Doktor, Sada Mukti, and the last Sapu
Jagat pattern. All of those stamps, you can have it
in the booth Pos Indonesia.

For the Puppet (Wayang) stamp, it was
made by the kulit gunungan material. There
were also a picture of Bima, Arjuna, Yudhistira,
Nakula, Sahadeva, and the Five of Pandavas (all of
them are character of Indonesian puppet).

According to the people whose in charge
at the booth Pos Indonesia, the two stamps (Batik
and Wayang) was an innovation of the Pos
Indonesia Company. And hopefully it will be the
first step of the other unique stamps creations.

World Stamp Championship 2012


Bulletin for Day 3 (Rabu, 21 Juni 2012)



India's Ambassador of Indonesia Mr Gurjit Singh.
Hari ketiga World Stamp Championship Indonesia 2012 pada tanggal 20 Juni 2012 di Jakarta
Convention Center memiliki tema “Pos Indonesia Day”. Pada hari ini diluncurkan perangko edisi khusus
hari ketiga bertema “Tari Saman”.

Pameran hari ini juga dimeriahkan dengan kedatangan Bapak Duta Besar India untuk Jakarta,
Bapak Gurjit Singh untuk meresmikan penerbitan 2 jenis perangko khusus dari India yang memiliki
desain bertema Sekhawati dan lukisan-lukisan Warli yang bernilai nominal masing-masing 5 dan 20
Rupee. Desain dalam perangko-perangko ini menunjukkan tradisi dan kebudayaan dari Rajasthan
dan Maharashtra serta merayakan kekayaan seni lukisan dari India. Dalam pidato singkatnya, Bapak
Gurjit Singh menyampaikan selamat kepada Persatuan Filateli Indonesia, Federation Internationale de
Philatelie, serta Kementrian Komunikasi dan Informatika atas kesuksesan acara ini dan berterima kasih
atas kerja sama yang serta baik dukungan dari pihak Pos Indonesia terhadap Pos India. Acara ini juga
dihadiri oleh Bapak Sukaton, mewakili Persatuan Filateli Indonesia, dan Ibu Meera Handa, salah satu
penanggung jawab booth India dalam pameran ini (booth No.66).


Booth Kidz Corner pada hari ketiga juga tidak kalah meriahnya. Siswa-siswi dari sekitar 10
sekolah yang terdiri dari anak-anak SD dan SMP, baik yang diundang secara khusus maupun tidak,
mendapatkan kesempatan untuk belajar membatik secara gratis. Menurut penanggung jawab Kidz
Corner, selain acara membatik, mereka juga mengagendakan sejumlah acara seperti “MINI POS” yang
bertujuan untuk mengenalkan anak-anak sekolah tentang bagaimana menjadi petugas di Pos Indonesia.
Selain itu ada juga “Lomba Cerita Perangko”. Dalam kegiatan ini setiap anak diberikan kesempatan
untuk bercerita tentang perangko yang khususnya memiliki tema tersendiri. Di area Kidz Corner juga
tersedia, “Foto Prisma Perangko”. Melalui perangko Prisma ini, pihak Pos Indonesia mempromosikan
sebuah layanan baru bahwa semua orang juga bisa membuat perangko sendiri sesuai karakter yang
diingini. Bahkan, kita juga bisa menjadi model perangko tersebut.
Cancelation Day 3

Pada hari ketiga, para pengunjung juga disuguhkan dengan acara pembuatan songket
Palembang. Menurut Bapak Yusuf Efendi selaku pemilik kerajinan tersebut, masing-masing songket
memiliki nilai artistik yang berbeda-beda. Tentunya harga juga berbeda tergantung tingkat kesulitan
dan kualitas kain tersebut. Kerajinan Songket tersebut bisa kita lihat, tepat di panggung, bersebelahan
dengan booth Pos Indonesia.

World Stamp Championship Indonesia 2012


The third day Indonesia World Stamp Championship 2012 on June 20, 2012 at the Jakarta
Convention Center was themed "Pos Indonesia Day". Other than that, today, a special edition of stamp
themed "Tari Saman" was launched to honor the third day of the event.

The exhibition was also enlivened by the arrival of India's Ambassador to Republic of Indonesia,
Mr. Gurjit Singh to release two commemorative stamps from India. The stamps are inspired by
the design of Sekhawati and Warli paintings and are worth the nominal of 5 and 20 Rupees. The
beautiful design of the stamps shows the tradition and culture of Rajasthan and Maharashtra while
also celebrating the rich heritage of Indian paintings. In a short speech, Mr Gurjit Singh congratulated
Indonesian Philately Association, Federation Internationale de Philatelie, as well as the Ministry of
Communications and Information Technology on the success of this event and is grateful for the
Tenun Ikat
cooperation and good support from Pos Indonesia to Indian Post. The event has given the perfect
opportunity for philatelists from all over the world to be more familiar with the stamps and other
philatelic products from India. This formal ceremony was also attended by Mr. Sukaton, on behalf
of Indonesian Philately Association, and Mrs. Meera Handa, one of the booth holder of India in this
exhibition (booth No.66).


Kidz Corner Booth was also looking exciting. Students from about 10 schools consisting of
children of elementary to junior high school got a free opportunity to learn to make batik. According
to the person in charge of Kidz Corner, in addition to this batik event, the organizing committee also
scheduled a number of fun shows such as "MINI POS" which aims to introduce kids about how to
become officers in Pos Indonesia. There was also "Story Telling of Stamps Contest". In this activity, each
child is given the opportunity to tell you about a particular stamp which has such distinguished theme.
In the area, "Prisma Photo Stamps" was also available. Through the “Prisma” stamps, Pos Indonesia
is promoting the service for people to be able to create their own personalized or customized stamps
according to the character they want. Even, they can also become the model of the postage stamp.
Booth of PT Pos Indonesia.

On the third day, the visitors were also entertained with Palembang’s songket-making event.
According to Mr. Yusuf Efendi as the owner of the craft, each songket has different artistic value.
Obviously the price is also different depending on the level of difficulty to create it and the quality of the
final product. Songket craft could be seen, right on the stage, next to the Pos Indonesia booth.

World Stamp Championship Indonesia 2012