(KAMIS, 21 JUNI 2012)
Tourism Day” menjadi tema di hari keempat
mengadakan City Tour ke Kota Tua, Jakarta.
Dimana tur ini bertujuan untuk mengenalkan
kota-kota tua bersejarah yang ada di Jakarta
World Stamp Championship and Exhibition
2012. Tema hari ini berkaitan dengan agenda
yang panitia berikan kepada para peserta World
Stamp Championship 2012. Pihak penyelenggara
kepada para tamu dari mancanegara.
Masih di World Stamp Championship and
Exhibition 2012. Di hari keempat, agenda yang
diadakan di Kidz Corner semakin seru. Kali ini,
Kidz Corner mengadakan “Lomba Membuat
Postcard dan Lomba Mewarnai”. Pesertanya
sendiri dari adik-adik sekolah negeri maupun
Seperti PAUD Aisyiyah, SD Islam plus Baitul Maal,
SDN 6 Kota Serang, SD Ciputat, Pesanggrahan,
dan teman-teman pengunjung yang datang ke
WSC 2012 ini. Peserta lomba diberi waktu 1 jam
untuk mewarnai gambar yang diberikan. Hadiah
yang diberikan diantaranya goodie bags berisi
yang beruntung bisa mendapatkan Buku Filateli.
Selain lomba tersebut, terdapat juga
lomba menempel prangko di peta. Anak-anak
diberikan prangko berlabel suatu negara, untuk
ditempelkan di peta dunia yang disediakan.
Untuk meramaikan suasana, digelar juga
penampilan paduan suara dari SD Al-Azhar
Ingin membuat prangko dari kreasi
kamu sendiri? Ayo datang ke booth PRISMA di
KIDZ Corner. Kamu bisa berfoto langsung di
booth yang telah disediakan, atau membawa foto
World Stamp Championship 2012
maupun gambar yang kamu inginkan.
Dengan biaya Rp. 20.000,- kalian akan
mendapatkan 8 buah perangko bernominal Rp.
1.500,-. Prangko tersebut bisa kamu gunakan
layaknya perangko biasa untuk berkirim surat.
Perangko Prisma adalah perangko yang
dapat menampilkan foto atau identitas lainnya
(logo, produk, lambang perusahaan, tulisan/
slogan bahkan tanda tangan atau apapun) yang
dikehendaki oleh pemesan, yang dicetak di atas
security paper seperti halnya kertas berharga.
So, tunggu apalagi, saatnya untuk pamer
wajah kamu di surat yang kamu kirim!
Indonesia hari ini meluncurkan pertama
kalinya perangko dengan berbahan dasar batik
dan wayang. Kedua perangko ini dibuat atas
kerjasama Castor di Perancis, Peruri dan PT.
Pos Indonesia. Ide kreatif ini bertujuan untuk
menambah kekayaan koleksi perangko langka
bagi para pecinta perangko.
Perangko batik yang diluncurkan adalah
batik Garutan. Terdiri dari 1 buah perangko
dengan nominal Rp. 20.000,- bermotif batik
Rereng Siki Banteng. Serta 6 buah perangko
nominal Rp. 5.000,- dengan motif batik Kerikil,
Cupat Manggu, Rereng Doktor, Sada Mukti, dan
Sapu Jagat.
Untuk Perangko berkarakter wayang,
dengan gambar karakter Bima, Arjuna,
Yudhistira, Nakula, Sadewa, dan Pandawa Lima.
Menurut penanggung jawab booth Pos
Indonesia, kedua perangko berbahan dasar batik
dan wayang ini, merupakan inovasi dari PT. Pos
Indonesia dan diharapkan menjadi langkah awal
kreasi perangko unik lainnya.
Tourism Day”, is the theme on the day of the fourth
World Stamp Championship and Exhibition 2012.
The theme of today is related to the commiittee
agenda for the participants of the World Stamp
Championship 2012. The committee held a City
Tour to the Old City (Kota Tua), Jakarta. The aim
of the tour is to introduce the historic places
specially the Old City in Jakarta to the visitors
(commisioners, Jury, Exhibitors and booth
holders) from foreign countries and local also.
Still at the World Stamp Championship
Corner were getting more exciting. In this day,
they are several games which held by Kidz
Corner. They were, “Creating Postcard Contest”
and “Coloring Contest”. The participants itself
consisted of the students from the public or
private elementary schools in Jakarta and
surrounding areas. Such as, Aisyiyah
Kindergarten, Islamic Baitul Maal Elementary,
Chester Elementary, and Six Elementary School
in the West Java, Serang. In addition, there were
![]() |
Marawis from SDN 2 Ciputat |
in the West Java, Serang. In addition, there were
also friends and visitors who came to the World
Stamp Championship 2012.
In the other side, there were “Sticking a
Stamp Contest on the Map”. The children were
given a labelled stamp by the committee, and
world map. For cheering up the atmosphere,
there were performance from Al-Azhar
choir,Cibubur, Marawis from SDN 2 Ciputat and
also Saman Dance from Chester Elementary
The committee of the Kidz Corner also
prepared for the prizes for the winner of the
games or the contest. The prizes were awarded
including goodie bag with book, fan and pen. For
some lucky participants can get a Philately Book.
If you want to make your own stamp, you
can come to the Prisma Booth at the Kidz Corner.
You can take pictures directly to the booth which
has been provided, or bring a picture that you
want it to be as a stamp. It is costed Rp 20.000,-
you will get 8 stamps (1 sheet). And you can also
sending a letter by this stamp.
Prisma Stamps is a postage stamp that
can display photos or other identity according to
the buyer wants.
So, what are you waiting for ? It is time to
show your face on the letter that you will sent.
For the lovers of philately, on this day
booth Pos Indonesia for the first time was
launched stamps which made from batik and
wayang material itself. Both stamps were made
in collaboration Castor in France, Peruri and Pos
Indonesia Company. The aim of this creative idea
is to increasing the variety of the rare stamp
The launched of batik stamp was batik
Garutan and the name of the pattern was called
Buffalo Rereng Siki. It consisted of 1 piece each
stamp with nominal Rp 20.000,-. And also there
are 6 stamps which different pattern. They
were called Batik Kerikil pattern, Cupat Manggu,
Rereng Doktor, Sada Mukti, and the last Sapu
Jagat pattern. All of those stamps, you can have it
in the booth Pos Indonesia.
For the Puppet (Wayang) stamp, it was
made by the kulit gunungan material. There
were also a picture of Bima, Arjuna, Yudhistira,
Nakula, Sahadeva, and the Five of Pandavas (all of
them are character of Indonesian puppet).
According to the people whose in charge
at the booth Pos Indonesia, the two stamps (Batik
and Wayang) was an innovation of the Pos
Indonesia Company. And hopefully it will be the
first step of the other unique stamps creations.
World Stamp Championship 2012
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