Senin, 25 Juni 2012

I Ketut Mardjana's Message

Stamps, the small form of art paintings in the world, contains within its framework the great minds of all times, historical events as well culture. Even through this digitalized information age of 21 st century, stamp is still the treasure trove of common knowledge and practical wisdom.
World Stamp Championshi INDONESIA 2012 will be a great opportunity to see the stamp exhibits and appreciated the beauty of the traditions of the participating countries and Indonesia. Pos Indonesia had set an area called ids Corner” for promotion of stamps to new generation and also will arrange many daily programmes for visitors. We sincerely hope that this exhibition will  enhance the public interest in and awareness of stamps and further encourage the cooperation in the World via philatelic activities.

We  are happy to invite all of you to this exciting venue of festivity. Please enjoy the rare and exquisite stamps presented by the participants. They are rarely seen and real rarities in the stamp world.

Lastly, we are aproud to have the patronage of the Federation Internationale de Philatelie for this event and  the Auspices of the Federation of Inter-Asean Philately. I also take this opportunity to thank the Indonesian Philatelists Association for their support and co-operation for this event. I convey the best wishes for the success of this grand exhibition.
I Ketut Mardjana

President Director of PT Pos Indonesia.

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